Follow the steps below to start earning CODEX tokens by staking CDO_vBNB / CDO_vBUSD / CDO_vBTCB / CDO_vETH tokens:
Go to CDO.Finance's CODEX Staking page (
Connect to your Web3 wallet (such as MetaMask) and make sure your network is set to Binance Smart Chain. Click here if you do not have the network in your wallet yet
Select the CDO_vBNB / CDO_vBUSD / CDO_vBTCB / CDO_vETH staking pool
Specify the amount of tokens you want to stake - if you do not yet have CDO_vBNB / CDO_vBUSD / CDO_vBTCB / CDO_vETH, you must first deposit BNB / BUSD / BTCB / ETH into the Junior Tranche(s)
Click "Approve"
After clicking "Approve", you should get a pop-up notification in your MetaMask to accept the transaction.
Confirm the Transaction on your Metamask pop-up.
Patiently wait for the transaction to be processed (do not press approve again)
Once the transaction has completed, you should see the updated amount of staked CDO_vBNB / CDO_vBUSD / CDO_vBTCB / CDO_vETH tokens.
You are now earning CODEX rewards!
Last updated
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