❗️PancakeSwap LP Token Migration (Action Required)

TL;DR: Codex-wBNB LP v1 staking pool on CDO.Finance to stop CODEX token rewards so please kindly: (1) unstake CODEX-wBNB LP v1 on CDO.Finance, (2) remove CODEX-wBNB LP v1 on PancakeSwap (3) obtain CODEX-wBNB LP v2 on PancakeSwap V2 (4) Stake CODEX-wBNB LP v2 on CDO.Finance

As most should know by now, PancakeSwap has migrated to PancakeSwap V2 (see here).

How does PCS migration affect CDO.Finance?

Prior to the migration, our users could acquire CODEX-wBNB v1 LP tokens by providing liquidity to the CODEX-wBNB v1 pool on PancakeSwap. These CODEX-wBNB v1 LP tokens are then staked on our CDO.Finance platform (under the "CODEX Staking" tab) to earn CODEX rewards.

We will stop rewarding CODEX for the CODEX-wBNB v1 staking pool on CDO.Finance. Instead, the same CODEX rewards will be earned in the CODEX-wBNB v2 staking pool on CDO.Finance.

What should I do?

For new liquidity providers, kindly follow the steps here. Ensure that you have selected "Liquidity" instead of "V1 Liquidity (Old)" on the left column on PancakeSwap's website.

For those who have staked CODEX-wBNB v1 on CDO.Finance's staking pool, please kindly follow the steps below. For those who have not, you may skip to Step 2 below.

STEP 1 - Unstaking CODEX-wBNB LP v1 LP Token

  • Go to CDO Finance's Redeem Page (https://cdo.finance/redeems)

  • Under the CODEX-wBNB LP v1, click "Max" for the amount you want to, followed by clicking on "Unstake" (see below image)

  • After clicking "Unstake", you should get a pop-up notification in your MetaMask to accept the transaction

  • Wait for the transaction to be processed

  • Once the transaction has gone through, you should see the unstaked CODEX-wBNB v1 LP tokens in your MetaMask wallet

STEP 2 - Removing CODEX-wBNB LP v1 on PancakeSwap

  • Select "Max" followed by "Approve" (see below image)

  • After clicking "Approve", you should get a pop-up notification in your MetaMask to authorise the transaction

  • Thereafter, click "Remove" and followed by "Confirm" in the pop-up (see image below); you should then get a pop-up notification in your MetaMask to accept the transaction

  • Once the transaction has gone through, you should see the CODEX and BNB tokens in your MetaMask wallet

STEP 3 - Obtaining CODEX-wBNB LP v2 on PancakeSwap V2

  • Click on "Add Liquidity" (see image below)

  • If CODEX tokens cannot be found on the list, search for CODEX tokens by its contract address:

    • 0x9E95cB3D0560f9Cba88991f828322526851BFb56

  • Specify the amount of wBNB / CODEX you wish to add to the liquidity pool

  • Click "Supply"

  • After clicking "Confirm", you should get a pop-up notification in your MetaMask to accept the transaction

  • Wait for the transaction to be processed

  • Once the transaction has gone through, you should receive the CODEX-wBNB v2 LP token in your wallet

  • If you cannot see CODEX-WBNB v2 LP token in your MetaMask wallet, add the CODEX-WBNB v2 LP token using its contract address (more details here):

    • 0x32898e10a77594b45114cf7fd0f84ae2afbb997c

STEP 4 - Staking CODEX-wBNB LP v2 on CDO.Finance

  • Go to CDO.Finance's CODEX Staking page (https://cdo.finance/codex-staking)

  • Select the CODEX-wBNB LP v2 staking pool

  • Specify the amount of CODEX-wBNB LP v2 tokens you want to stake

  • Click "Approve" (see image below)

  • After clicking "Approve", you should get a pop-up notification in your MetaMask to accept the transaction

  • Wait for the transaction to be processed

  • Once the transaction has gone through, you should see the amount of staked CODEX-wBNB v2 LP tokens

  • You are now earning CODEX rewards!

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.

Last updated